- Microprocessors supported: 6502, 6809, and Z80.
- Microprocessor clock runs at ~95kHz (based on Arduino code optimizations).
- Memory mapping and RAM/ROM/devices handled by Arduino code.
- RAM : 4~6 KB (using Arduino Mega’s 8KB RAM)
- ROM : 200+ KB (using Arduino Mega’s 256KB FlashROM)
- UART emulation (using Arduino Mega’s serial port)
- Compatible with existing Arduino shields such as LCD/Keypad or SDcard.
Hardware Details
- Schematics, PCB, gerber files are open-source and available at RetroShield-HW.
Software Details:
Basically, software running on Arduino defines hardware available to microprocessor.
- 6502: Apple I, Woz Monitor + BASIC ROMs
- 6809: Simon6809, educational monitor w/ assembler/disassembler
- Z80: 8251 echo test (I am searching for a simple monitor code. in the meantime, added this 8251 echo test code.)
Theory of Operation:
These pages on my website explain how to drive 6502 and 6809 microprocessors using Arduino GPIO's:
- Arduino to 6502 connection and operation
- Arduino to 6809 connection and operation
- Z80 write-up in progress.
PCB & Kits for Sale:
You can purchase PCB & Assembled kits at my website: www.8bitforce.com
Candidate CPU list (in no particular order):
- RCA1802
- 68008
- 8085
- 8088
Let me know if you like to see other processors.
I porting an Applesoft on 6502
Debug: 0
SPI-RAM: 0 Bytes
SRAM Size: 6144 Bytes
6000: 4C
]10 A=1
]20 A=A+2
]30 FOR I = 3 TO INT(A/2) STEP 2
]40 IF A/I=INT(A/I) THEN 70
]50 NEXT
]60 PRINT A;" ";
]70 GOTO 20
5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29