
BowlerStudio got updated, the SmallKat runtime

A project log for SmallKat: An adorable dynamics oriented robot cat

A dynamics oriented quadruped for research and education.

kevin-harringtonKevin Harrington 06/21/2019 at 16:520 Comments

I spent the week doing bigfixes on BowlerStudio!

The big ones fixed:

* Re-docking windows sometimes results in frozen text windows

* Cold-start on windows was buggy

* Slide bars for robot link limits is MUCH improved

* Adding files to empty repos works now

* Git pull, and update repos menu item, now work

* Dropped the OpenCV deps, makes cross platform easier and binaries smaller

New Features:

* A workspace menu, populated with the 15 most recently used Git repos

* Bundled JVM on windows and Macos, no more separate Java dependency!

* Ubuntu 18.04 PPA


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