
Laser Cut Single Stage Design

A project log for MPRT - Modified planetary robotics transmission

The reduction of strain-wave, but using a 'single' stage planetary gearset.

agpcooperagp.cooper 05/02/2019 at 11:062 Comments

Laser Cut Single Stage Design

I was having problems working out the full MPRT laser cut design so I thought I would try a single stage design first. It is not that I could not design a laser cut  MPRT, it is just that I was not happy with the design (i.e. too many layers). I know it can be better.

Actually even the single stage design was tricky. But eventally here it is:

The gray components are not necessary but useful for mounting.

So what we are looking at, starting at the bottom:


I have to double check the design measurements and lay it out for laser cut panel size.

Here is my laser cut laayout on a 600 mm x 300 mm 6 mm thick MDF board:

Next is to work out the MPRT version.



agp.cooper wrote 05/03/2019 at 01:46 point

Yes, but part of the design problem is making the elbow stiff. That is why the single stage version has a "finger joint" layout. The arms are three layers thick in a four layer stack. This makes the arms x27 stiffer.

Also, the second layer has to a spacer or a carrier as the stepper mount bolts and the star gear hub are in the way. You also need access to the hub grub screw.

Finaly I need a way to retain the gears at the top of the stack, previously I used the a carrier. The "finger joint" layout solves this problem.

I can make the gear diameter smaller but I have to add another thin (2 mm) layer to the stack (after the stepper motor mount) to clear the stepper mount bolt heads.

Hopefully you can now see some of the design constraints.


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MasterOfNull wrote 05/02/2019 at 16:19 point

Very nice.  

I think you can just bolt your servo mount and first ring gear layers together, and add a second ring gear layer.

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