
14 – what will be next?!

A project log for Universal undervoltage lockout up to 34V input

Feature-packed over-discharge protection. Set the cell-count, minimum cell voltage and dip-time below threshold. Fully hackable!

janJan 11/08/2019 at 16:380 Comments

What's next?

I decided to part the project into two separate ones:

  1. the square inch one
  2. the fully featured version with trim pots

Also I decided to rename both projects to the correct technical term, so it is easier found by people who search for this kind of circuit.

The square inch one: LVD² (low voltage disconnect 1x1 inch version)

This is the version which was featured in this write-up. Many readers had great ideas on what to improve with this little board. Honestly, they were all right, it's just that the article simply was about an unfinished board. Anyway, here's what will happen to the square inch version:

Other than that I'll try to make a one-sided board from it to make assembly easier. In addition to that the software will be much different and really small, it will even fit into the Attiny416 which is even cheaper.

The fully featured one: FFLVD

This is the version I had in mind when I began this journey. It will be the more sophisticated but also bigger and more expensive version:


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