
NeoPixel Data Visualization Board

Using NodeJS, a Raspberry Pi and 1024 NeoPixels, visualize data with a "matrix" feel

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Cool way to visualize data as it flows through your system. Different colors and speeds represent various data points...bars represents totals for the given day. All using NodeJS for RESTful services. This particular setup is usuing 4 FadeCandy controllers to work with the NeoPixels.

For my specific code, I'm taking result data as it passes through our system. I've broken it out into 3 (blue), cat (pink) & other (green). If a result comes in for an animal, it sets the appropriate color. If the result is "good" then the light is dim and drops down at normal speed. If the result is a test we have special interest in, it is brighter. If the result is that special interest test and it's "bad" it is brighter and slower as it drops down.

My specific setup has a "serverChild" that runs the service taking in these calls and talks to the fadecandy server. I then have a "serverParent" that is listening for new results from the system, mines the data and makes the appropriate call to the "serverChild".


Testing with the strips

MPEG-4 Video - 39.60 MB - 10/19/2016 at 17:28



Final board demo

MPEG-4 Video - 4.37 MB - 10/19/2016 at 17:27


  • 4 × FadeCandy Controlers
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi
  • 4 × Mini USB A cords to plug into the fadecandy chips
  • 18 × NeoPixel reels 60 in a do the math
  • 1 × 60amp 5v Power supply I'm using a "Mean Well RSP-320-5 300W 5 Volt Power Supply" from Amazon

View all 6 components

  • 1
    Step 1

    Get your raspberry pi setup with whatever distro you like.

  • 3
    Step 3

    Wire up the NeoPixel strips as you like (pics of my setup can be found in the OneDrive folder link provided). I've got a setup of 32 strips of 32 LEDs.

    When playing with the power supply, be carefull...this project is assuming you've done all of your reading up and prep...I take now reponsibility for an extremely bright light show that involves heat! **YOU'VE BEEN WARNED**

    Some of my own notes depending on how many LEDs you're wiring up:

    at full brightness, one pixel draws 60miliamps (mAh)
      ~that's pretty much 2amps to 32 pixels (1920mAh exactly)
      ~61.4 amps for 1024 (32x32) pixels
      ~ half brightness would be 30amps (30.72 exactly)

View all 7 instructions

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