The Thor project is too big for my 3D printer so my Thor variant is a mixture of the original Thor project and Danny's modifications. For the base I have choose to use Base_Fixed.stl from Danny.
As you can see it juussst fits on my Prusa 3D printer.
This is the start of a 12 hour print job.

Take special note at the transparent tape at my extruder. It is put there to reduce air intake on the extruder ventilator that sends air to the model to cool down. It prevents a "Thermal Runaway" situation that actually halts my printing.
It seems that the Prusa's power supply is not strong enough to keep the extruder at 255 C and the heat bed at 100 C when the ventilator blows air on the model and cools down the extruder. (It depends of the size and shape of the model as far as I have noticed.)
After 12 hours and the transparent tape trick I had a perfect model just printed in one go.
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