Not directly related to the Thor project but I know that some people are interested.
I have an Original Prusa MK2 (MK2/S upgraded now)
I always had big issues with warping when I use ABS (ICE) filament when printing the Thor robot.
Here are some samples with different materials.

Top is my Movidius Raspberry Pi 3 with camera intended to experiment with Neural networks.
Bottom left is a Apollo 15 landing site I used as an experiment to testprint my Original prusa i3 MK2/S upgrade. I originally used 2 top layers which worked great with ABS but with NGEN it definitely needs 4 top layers.

Detail part of the Apollo 15 landing site. Layer height is 0.2 mm NGEN, and I did notice these dark spots I cannot explain. I never saw them when using ABS or PETG.

Parts that I printed for the MK2 to MK2/S upgrade of my printer. I did not install them yet.
The top part right is a test print with ABS (ICE) because I was wondering if the printer upgrade made thee ABS print better, but I still had the warping issue. However the red ABS (also ICE) made a perfect print.
Also you don't see these mysterious dark spots I had with NGEN.
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Very nice results, these dark spots are also to find on my prints, I think the material leaves some burned leftovers after some time extruding the product. It is a anoying thing. Also adding a second material for supports has been a problem. It has no warping, that's for sure! I wonder if PETG could be a solution to work with a soluble product and no warping?
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