
ESPboy WEB AppStore

A project log for ESPboy - RetroGaming&Software development MuliTool

For IT geeks, retro game fans, makers. Open source, portable, modular to explore, create, learn, code & play

romansRomanS 09/29/2021 at 19:261 Comment

It turns out that it is possible to update the firmware of the microcontroller through a web browser without additional software, using the WebSerial API Web Serial API - Web APIs | MDN.

The demo page allows you to upload to ESPboy applications and games as proof of technology ESPboy AppStore Demo

Many thanks to Steph for this great tool!


Andy Piper wrote 10/01/2021 at 22:32 point

This is super helpful (and a neat use of the browser) - thanks, Steph!

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