
Spectroscopy Camera

A camera that can isolate that can take an image and divide it by material composition.

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This camera will scan a scene with an optical spectrometer and allow the results to be viewed by individual materials. Being able to view scenes by the iron or carbon content or a particular ore would be a powerful tool. Once scanned we will be able look for any component within the visible light spectrum.

  • Eisco spectroscope experiments

    ReVision04/09/2019 at 16:50 0 comments

    A educational spectroscope arrived this morning and has given me a lot of food for thought.

    I have found that it is much easier than I thought to target a small area, merely a case of staying steady, which would be the job of a servo scanning rig.

    I have also found that what I am seeing would be easier to achieve using diffraction grating in the finished product. I have also seen that a web cam without an ir filter is commonly used in hobby spectrometer, so I will source a suitable camera module for a production prototype, but for the moment I will try different software using what i have and present some sample scenes soon.

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