The biggest parts of the schematic of Kobold are almost completed. Here you see:
- Register B, that holds 16 bit data, and can shift the data left or right, and put it back on the databus
- Register A, that holds 16 bit data and can put a single 8-bit chunk on the address bus. The other 8 bits of the address bus will be provided by an address register (not shown here). During ALU operation, the address bus will not be used to provide an address to memory.
- The logic unit performs a NAND on the two 8-bit halves of the address bus
- The Adder adds the two 8-bit halves of the address bus
- The function selector selects the NAND or the ADD as result. Microcode bit IR4 is used to select the function.
- Finally, the 8-bit result goes to the lower or upper 8 bits of the result register
- The result register can put the 16-bit result on the databus
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