

A project log for Ternary Computing Menagerie

A place for documenting the many algorithms, data types, logic diagrams, etc. that would be necessary for the design of a ternary processor.

mechanical-advantageMechanical Advantage 04/12/2019 at 06:430 Comments

Each post will be, to the degree possible, narrowly targeted to a specific small aspect of computer science as it relates to a hypothetical balanced ternary environment. Hence, the use of the term "menagerie" in the title of the project. The goal is to make an easily searchable collection of topics in one place that can serve as a reference for others.

I will begin with several posts on very elementary points that could easily be found with a quick internet search. Regardless, I will include posts for them in this project for the sake of completeness.

Following that I will take up various subjects including, but not limited to:
Balanced ternary numbering
History of ternary systems
Single input ternary gates
Double input ternary gates
Gate naming conventions
Functional completeness
primitive data types
gray codes
parity calculations
error detection circuits
tritwise operators
status flags and status registers
adders and subtractors
floating point numbers
... and so on

Some of this work is already done but needs to be compiled for easy readability.
