
Looking at Other Displays

A project log for PewPew M4

A PewPew with a display.

dehipudeʃhipu 04/27/2019 at 21:320 Comments

This week I'm paritcipating in Ludum Dare, trying to write a game from scratch in 48 hours, so not much time for hacking, but an interesting display arrived in the mail, so of course I had to give it a try:

It's a STN 9664 LCD display, with an ST7585 controller chip, 96×64 resolution and a bonus row of icons along the top edge. The documentation is sparse, as usual, and I didn't yet get it to work yet with a quick attempt at it.

What makes it interesting for PewPew, apart from the friendly price point of $1.35 in singles? While it certainly takes more power with the backlight enabled, it can also work without the light, and then I would expect it to be super power efficient, which matters if I want to power it from a coin cell battery.

I'm also considering a number of other cheap displays on the market, but the main problem with them is that they are mostly out of production already, and hence it might be tricky to get a larger quantity of the device produced.


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