Many of my updates start with "the PCBs have arrived", and this one is no different. They have arrived, and not a moment too late, since the weekend is coming, so I would have time to figure out the bootloader and the filesystem in the firmware and all that stuff. Except that I can't find the microcontrollers. I was sure I have bought some 48-pin SAMD51 chips some time ago, anticipating using it for µGame Turbo, but I can't find them. Perplexed, I checked my order history, and they are not there. I must have dreamed that. Oh well, no hacking this weekend. I ordered them now, but it will take at least 3 days for them to arrive.
But at least I get to check the mechanical design. So I assembled all the mechanical parts: buttons, screen, battery holder, USB socket and power switch.
Immediately I noticed that the display connector requires shifting a little bit to the left, as the flex cable is somewhat loose and sticking out at the side. But that was to be expected. The battery holder needs to be moved further up, to line up with the edge of the screen, so that I have more room for my index fingers at the back. That's easy to do.
The d-pad buttons are a bit too far apart — the original arrangement I used in all the PewPews, width the left and right buttons squeezed closer together, works better. No problem, easy change. The fire buttons are a bit too far apart as well: the x ones is in the right position, but the o one needs to be moved a bit towards the center.
I also tried sticking two additional buttons below the standard ones, to have those two "utility" buttons for MakerCode, but then they get in the way of thumbs. I need them to be closer together, which means that the pin connector legend has to go to the back side. Incidentally, that also frees a lot of space in the middle, so I can move the microcontroller to that spot, and have much more room.
I already started making those changes in a new PCB design, but I will wait with ordering it until the microcontrollers arrive, so I can also include any required connection changes as well.

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