Step-1: Download the Blynk app
1. For Android
2. For iPhone
Step-2: Get the Auth Token
In order to connect Blynk App and your hardware, you need an Auth Token.
1. Create a new account in Blynk App.
2. Press the QR icon on the top menu bar. Create a clone of this Project by scanning the QR code shown above. Once it detected successfully, the whole project will be on your phone immediately.
I've made Sol Weather Station app. You are welcome to try it out!
To start using it: 1. Download Blynk App: or 2. Touch the QR-code icon and point the camera to the code below 3. Enjoy my app!
3. After the project was created, we will send you Auth Token over email.
4. Check your email inbox and find the Auth Token.
Step-3: Preparing Arduino IDE for Wemos Board
To upload the Arduino code to Wemos board, you have to follow this Instructables
Step-4: Arduino Sketch
After installing the above libraries, paste the Arduino code given below.
Enter the auth code from step-1,ssid, and password of your router.
Then upload the code.
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