
#Un1eet Junior v1.0

The #Un1eet Junior is a development platform that organizes some of the most commonly used products in a singular development environment.

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Often, I find myself prototyping projects using the same components over and over. Things like Raspberry Pi, Arduino Nano, and ESP modules, displays, serial interfaces, bluetooth, rotary encoders, etc. find their way into my projects, so rather than having all of these components floating around the bench, the goal of this project is to give them a place to 'dock' while allowing breadboard space for development using less-common hardware elements. An integrated intelligent power supply and basic test equipment are also included.
  • 1 × PiZeroW Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless
  • 1 × NanoV3 Arduino Nano v3.0
  • 1 × ESP01 ESP8266 in an ESP-01 footprint

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