
6 Key Kiosk Keyboard based on Arduino Micro

Custom keyboard with previous tab, next tab and directional arrows for a kiosk computer.

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We recently installed a informational kiosk that displays serveral production related web pages and needed a simple way to navigate between the tabs and scroll on the pages to see any information that might flow off the view-able area. A secondary goal was to make it reasonably resistant to the elements of a production plant.

  • Project Update

    Tim Bertram04/23/2019 at 15:13 0 comments

    As of 4/23/2019 the build is mostly complete.  For the final install position I need to install a 10 foot usb cable that I have on order yet. Once I have the final cable I'll install add a zip tie around the cable for strain relief and a little hot glue to seal the hole around the cable. 

    The only other thing I have planned is to add some labeling for the keys.

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  • 1
    Prep enclosure

    I used OpenSCAD to create a template for my holes. Once I was happy with the placement I exported from OpenSCAD to a DXF file that I opened in Inkscape and then printed.  I'm sure if I tried I could have done the layout many other ways but this worked well for me and I like starting in OpenSCAD.  I included both the scad file and a pdf from Inkscape in the github repo.

    I used the template to mark the holes and then drilled them stepping up several times from a small bit to the bit to fit the buttons. I also used a drill bit to drill a hole for the USB cable in the base and then a snip to cut down to the hole so I can slip the cable in.

  • 2
    Prep the buttons

    The buttons i picked only have a short terminal on the back so best choice was to solder wires to the switches.  I just used some stands from some cat 5 network wire I had laying around. I prepped all the buttons before installing them in the enclosure. 

  • 3
    Wire it up

    To keep wiring simple so I wanted a screw terminal breakout board. I was unable to find a cheap screw terminal model strictly for the Arduino Micro so I ended up getting one for an Arduino Nano that is similar but doesn't have terminals for all the pins on the Micro.  For my use the nano breakout board had all the terminals I needed. By using the internal pull-up resistors in the Arduino I didn't need to add any to resistors to the wiring.  I connected to the 2-7 terminals to and split the ground wires between the two ground terminals on the Micro.

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