I absolutely loved the badge but the screen kept getting caught on things, after the first day of KiCon was over I was back home and thought "Hey I have this 3d printer and FreeCAD here, I can probably come up with a quick fix".

First I imported the geometry of the badge from Orson's source files using the Kicad StepUp workbench for FreeCAD, which allows opening kicad_pcbs directly without exporting from the kicad side first.

I then made a new body and a sketch on the part design workbench tracing out the original locations of the holes:

Extruded that out:
Then i measured the holes in the OLED screen and found out they actually do not line up with the ones on the badge board (oops).

I extruded that out as well:
Now i just needed to add the holes at the bottom, some fillets and a cutout for the logic analyzer buffer, all done with the same method of adding a sketch and using the "pocket" operation instead of pad: