I had great deal of trouble building the control panel from plexiglass and started from scratch at least 4 times.
This is the first version with 4 button holes, painted with spray paint. Thin plexi tended to crack and spray paint did not stick to it. I tried to sand it and different primers, but paint still peeled off easily.

So the final version was from thicker 4mm plexiglass and painted with matte black Revell email paint using paintbrush. I used large bristled brush for brushed like pattern and used dremel router for 45 degree angles around the holes.

I glued in all components using black hotglue.
- SSD1306 Monochrome 128x32 I2C OLED graphic display
- 3 tactile buttons
- 1 single neopixel led / WS2812B
- random PIR sensor i had laying around ( replaced later with HW-MS03 Microwave Radar motion sensor)

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