
Concept Video has Been Posted!

A project log for Open Source Light and Motion Controller

The goal of this project is to develop an open-source firmware and controller for kinetic sculptures, mobiles and moving lamps.

marciotmarciot 04/30/2019 at 18:520 Comments

Okay, everyone. I've created a concept video to demonstrate the goals I have for this project:

What is shown in the video is the mechanical prototype of my motion lamp you may remember from an earlier project. This video is a concept of the controller I want to make. The remote control does not actually work, nor does the lamp have any real electronics in it.

The lamp is hardwired to the DM-100AC, which in turn is hardwired to the 12V adapter. The DM-100AC is simply going through its built-in demo cycle, so there is no Arduino and the remote is there just for show.

The lamp is being turned by a microwave turntable motor in the base. This is a 120V AC motor with a separate AC power cord and no control at all. The plan is to replace the AC motor with a small stepper motor so it can run off the same 12V DC as the rest of the electronics. It would also be under the control of the Arduino, so the I could use some of the extra buttons on the remote to vary the speed.

The mechanical mount for the LED arm needs to be totally redesigned. Right now it is sits in place loosely -- half way though the video you see it catches a ride with the turning globe and flashed the LED at you. It shouldn't do this, but it looked kinda cool so I left it in the video.

There's still a lot of work to be done to make this lamp robust enough for actual use, but it looks kinda nice in the video!
