
OpenSCAD polygons

A project log for FilaMecanum

3D printed hub, filament tires, Mecanum motion.

masterofnullMasterOfNull 05/09/2019 at 15:500 Comments

Primitives in OpenSCAD are a really great for adding and subtracting your way to what you want.  Add a cylinder here, subtract another there, you got a rim.

However if you have a complex shape that can be extruded, a polygon will be much more efficient.  A little harder to visualize though for sure.

You define your profile as a set of points which define a 2D object.  Be prepared to do some math..  :)


Which gives you your 2D object.

Then you do your extrusion on that by adding a rotate_extrude(), and you got your 3D shape.

Add some holes, and you got a rim.  Well actually, the position of the holes defined the position of the rim above, but now I get to add them back in.  :)

The code which generates that is 20 lines long, and most of those are just for readability of the polygon array.
