
Printing parametric polygon perfection project (log)

A project log for FilaMecanum

3D printed hub, filament tires, Mecanum motion.

masterofnullMasterOfNull 05/09/2019 at 17:220 Comments

I'm done with the new parametric simplified model of the rim.

Printing it.

New code is up.

<EDIT> Ooof, that was going to take a long time to print.  8 hours per rim.  

I scaled back some of my excessive thickness and such, and got it down to 4 hours.


Looking at this in real life as it prints, this is a pretty big wheel now!  

It should pose a suitable challenge for the #MPRT - Modified planetary robotics transmission to spin, and is probably large enough for a good test in grass and such.  

I hope I didn't make it too thin, and that my guess for the press fit dimensions for the new trimmer line is right.  This one has a 1.6mm wall thickness.

Uploaded the new code again.



The filament holes were too small.  Drilled them all out to size though and corrected the model.

Then I put a few filaments in. 

They flexed far too much.  The rim and the tire aspect ratio are going to have to be narrower.

