

A project log for FilaMecanum

3D printed hub, filament tires, Mecanum motion.

masterofnullMasterOfNull 05/03/2019 at 19:020 Comments

I believe the universe is trying to get me to build a robot.  Perhaps I should listen.

First up, my booth neighbor at the Milwaukee Maker Faire last year handed me a box full of seven brand new 100W DC motors with a manufacturing defect (pin location in driveshaft was too close to the motor).  Nice brushes, good bearings, and built in encoders.  They are built for the long haul though, and so are heavy.  They also run at 3k rpm which was too high to be directly usable, and so they got put aside as I didn't have an immediate use for them.

Next up the #MPRT - Modified planetary robotics transmission idea happened.  I didn't have an immediate use for it so I just put it out there for others.  @agp.cooper was kind enough to join that project and help it along with his desire to adapt it to use as a joint in his SCARA arm project.

The #P2 - Pick and Place for 3D Printers project was the one I had pegged as something I could take to completion and be the most useful thing I could produce in the free cycles available.  That project is based on a Jetson Nano and a Pi camera which means I'm going to have a powerful, portable, machine vision platform sitting on my desk whenever it decides to come off backorder and show up.

And now this project happened.  Again, I don't have an immediate use for it, so I just put it out there for others.

That is a lot of now usable robot related convergence happening.  

I think I might have to build a robot.
