
The perfect trimmer line for this..

A project log for FilaMecanum

3D printed hub, filament tires, Mecanum motion.

masterofnullMasterOfNull 05/07/2019 at 04:050 Comments

I had four variations on trimmer line here of the larger (2.2mm+) diameter to test for this.

So I went looking, and I found this.

It has an overall triangular shape, which means that when you bend it into a circle, one point of the triangle is always facing the outside of the bend.  That was something I didn't really expect, but it kinda makes sense in hindsight.  The line resists the bending more where it is thicker, and so aligns with a thin edge out. It's also perfectly smooth along the length.

They even have a massive 4mm diameter version of this same line in stores locally, so my upper limit for the filament diameter just went away.  About 10 of those, spreading the weight over 4 wheels, could probably support a human being with the spring tension of the line itself.

I'll be using this going forward.
