I'm currently working on a second rev of the PCB, there's very few changes, as all the HW is working, just need to change one footprint and do some silkscreen adjustments.
After that is done I want to use Seeed's 5 pcs PCBA offer to get a test run on producing the FeatherWings.
I want to give away these 5 pcs to people who can help with creating CircuitPyton examples, writing documentation, creating a case, or can contribute in some other way. Feel free to contact me via Twitter: @arturo182
After the 5pcs arrive and are verified, I can seriously look into producing a larger number of these and putting them up for sale.
This is where I could use your help, I have created a Google Form with some questions of what you expect of the project and me, if you could fill it out, that would be really great. You can access it here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AFwEd6r3wwFKrcJLCO7_hHhIIZXA6lawobnCSoDhfAA/
I have also made a quick demo of using the FeatherWing as a Serial Terminal, you can check it out here:
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