
Preproduction prototype: How did the mods turn out?

A project log for CUBEx8

An 8x8x8 RGB LED cube kit using addressable LEDs!

burkethosburkethos 05/11/2019 at 17:450 Comments

On the left above is a single black colored 8 LED stick from the first prototype. On the right is a white colored 64 LED board from the preproduction prototype. I chose white to see how it would look compared to black, plus the LEDs I have are white.

On the left above is the prototype base board with all the fingers for the individual LED boards. On the right is Mjolnir.

The sharp eyed among you will see that I decided to add more holes for the LED boards. Instead of a 4x2 pattern of holes, I decided to put down an 8x2 pattern. I’ll do some experimenting to see how many holes I need to make a stable, non-saggy cube.

Below is a picture of a complete cube, unlit. The red controller board you can sort of see is an FPGA board using an Intel Max10 that has 5V translators built in. So, I bypass the translator on the base board. I'd say it turned out pretty well!

Ready for production, right? ...Right…?
