
Quick Update with Random Ideas

A project log for Redfly C7 Mobile Companion Reversing/Upcycling

This is a project to create a new PCB for the Redfly C7 Mobile Companion subnotebook.

arturo182arturo182 05/13/2019 at 22:482 Comments

Have been thinking about this one for some time. I would it to not take over all my free time, so trying to take shortcuts and not design all the PCBs from scratch. 

The current idea is to use a SOPINE A64 module as the brains for the subnotebook. It has 2GB of RAM and uses the Allwinner A64 SoC (Quad-Core Cortex-A53 ARM CPU, and a Mali400 MP2 GPU), it should be enough for this tiny thing. The module is also small enough (31mm tall) that it should fit together with the SODIMM DDR3 connector on the 54mm board. Lastly, it has a on-module SD-Card socket so that's another thing to not have to worry about.

For the screen I want to use the WaveShare 7" Pi shield, since the built-in display is also 7", the dimensions seems to be really close, but it offers a higher resolution (1024x600).

Still need a main board with charging, fuel gauge, USB, keyboard and touchpad drivers.

That's it for this short update, stay tuned for more ;)


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Occamlab wrote 05/14/2019 at 11:46 point

I think you should not change anything in the HW. You need to make the "correct" firmware for FPGA ... :-)

For example, like this:

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arturo182 wrote 05/14/2019 at 19:55 point

The Spartan 3E FPGAs don't have OSS suport IIRC, that would make working with them pretty sucky. Also I'm a super beginner at Verilog so it would took forever to get anywhere and I want this to a quick project :D

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