
BattleBots Made By 5th to 8th Graders

BattleBots controlled by a PS2 controller made in a robotics club by 5th to 8th graders.

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We created BattleBots in a robotics club using the Arduino UNO and other affordable parts. These BattleBots were made by 5th to 8th graders as a fun way for them to learn about the Arduino and robotics.

We tried to use affordable supplies and gave the kids creative freedom on how to design their BattleBots. We used parts that didn’t require soldering, making it easier to assemble for beginners.

The main parts were the Arduino Uno, sensor shield, motor board, 2 DC motors & wheels, coroplast for the body and a modified PS2 controller. You can see the list of parts and supplies we used from here.

The main parts used were the Arduino Uno, sensor shield, motor board, 2 DC motors & wheels, coroplast for the body and a modified PS2 controller. You can see the list of parts and supplies we used from here.

Following are visual diagrams on how everything is wired up.

Motor Board

This is wiring for the motor board. This shows how the motor wires are connected to the motor board and also how the wires are connected from the motor board to the sensor shield.

PS2 Controller Bluetooth Wiring

This diagram displays how to connect the bluetooth wiring up to the sensor shield.

Extra Motor Wired To Sensor Shield & Breadboard With Resistor

This is an extra motor that was added to activate a flipper or spinner when the PS2 X button is pressed.

The students built the bot bodies with the coroplast using screws, nuts bolts, duct tape, double sided tape and velcro tape to hold everything together. It was fun to see some of the designs & concepts they came up with using the limited supplies they were given.

Following is a battle in action

Other useful links if you want to create your own BattleBot

Motor Connectors - 12 Pack.stl

Custom motor connectors that connect to the end of the DC motors.

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 65.71 kB - 05/11/2019 at 03:43



Custom 3D printed spinner that connects to the DC motor

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 7.99 kB - 05/11/2019 at 03:43


  • 1 × Arduino UNO
  • 1 × Motor Driver Board
  • 1 × Velcrow Tape
  • 1 × Wooden Dowels
  • 1 × Sensor Shield

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