Let's say you're sleeping at home and then you suddenly hear a cry from your child. "Mommy, it hurts!" It's the middle of the night and everyone is closed! What do you do? It's DoctorInABox(tm) to the rescue. The all in one portal to a doctor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's like having your own personal live in doctor...ok...almost. It has built in sensors to take rudimentary vitals and allows the Doctor to teleconference you with a robot camera so he can focus into problem areas. But that's just for now. In the future, we can integrate EKG, skin cancer detection, etc.
I'd love to help with the ECG. I previously made one with OP-amps and an ATmega8.
See: https://www.scribd.com/document/358406220/Internet-connected-Low-Cost-Healthcare-Devices-for-Telemedicine-in-Rural-India