
FUNtroller 1.0 - Make Your Game Harder

Hardcore mode isn't doing it for you? Here's a solution.

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This is a controller designed to make the gameplay harder.
Do you know all those good game controllers and joysticks? They don't make the game hard enough. Even Guitar Hero controller doesn't make the game hard enough for some. I aim to fix that problem.

I have heard that you extreme gamers can't be satiated* with regular controllers and commercially available peripherals, and are running out of challenges*.

So here's my solution.

This controller wants to make your games harder to play. It doesn't care about your feelings, it just wants to see you suffer.

It defies your commands and makes you want to quit playing**.

It has all the features:

  • Penalties for pressing blocked buttons
  • Randomized layout
  • Concave layout
  • Un-ergonomic design for maximum pain
  • TEMS unit connection
  • Worst ever input methods used
  • Resistive touch screen for general buttons
  • Invert mode (Flips logic on some buttons so you have to hold the button down to stop it holding the button down)
  • Mirror mode (Flips all input from left to right)
  • Logic-defying button placement
  • False buttons (Landmine mode, scrambles layout and keeps holding previous keys for 10 seconds if pressed)
  • Unwieldy and cumbersome (weighs 4kg and has a size of 30x20cm)

* This may or may not be true, but I'm gonna push this narrative anyway for entertainment purposes

** This may or may not work, but I'm trying

  • First layout and some ideas

    Torbjörn Lindholm04/18/2021 at 15:48 0 comments

    This is the top side of the controller, which contains regular switches, buttons, and one joystick, but any button with a substandard label is connected to a special pin on the board, which will perform one or more actions:

    • Nothing
    • Shuffle button mapping
    • Activate shockers
    • Activate LEDs

    I'm thinking of doing the same with VR controllers too, because those people really enjoy playing Beat Saber and I hate that.

    (I'm joking)

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