
The PCBs are here !

A project log for Recreating the Jupiter Ace

Recreation of the 'Fastest computer in the Universe' that runs FORTH.

cees-meijerCees Meijer 10/27/2020 at 21:020 Comments

This is probably the most used title on all Hackaday, since it is something that happens to most of us at a certain moment in our project.

Exactly 8 days after I sent my order, they actually arrived. And they are beautiful ! I chose the blue colour to set mine apart from all other Jupiter ACE clones. At least, that's what I thought until I realized that the Minstrel 4th is also blue, though mine have a more blue-greenish tint.

What did struck me at first sight was how close the pads of a TO92 transistor are. I actually thought they were connected, but fortunately a continuity check shows they are not. And a very close inspection using a magnifier shows that there is indeed some separation between the pads.

That will need some very careful soldering there.
