
Inside-Out VR Mask

Old Smartphone Goggles + Cheap Screens = Cool Mask

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Turn e-waste into a costume mask that will generate some comments. This is a WiP I threw together for a convention. I plan to add more OLED screens and decorations.

Video overview:

The arduino screen only fills the very center of my vision, so I can still see most of my surroundings but the lack of peripheral vision is an issue I plan to fix. I walked around with it on my forehead to be safe.

I programmed the screen animations by adapting a demo from the Adafruit TFT library. the library is on their website, it's required for my modified demo code which is linked below.

This tool makes creating LED arrays easy, and uses common resistors:


My modified demo code for the TFT display, requires the Adafruit TFT libraries.

ino - 13.87 kB - 05/28/2019 at 04:57


  • 1 × Smartphone VR Goggles
  • 1 × Arduino Uno R3
  • 1 × 3.5 Inch TFT Color Display Screen Module 320 X 480
  • 1 × 0.28 Inch 2.5V-30V Mini Digital Volt Meter Avoid touching metal to the pins on the back, I ruined its calibration that way
  • 4 × LEDs Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components

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