After the last project which was breakout game on a small PIC12F1572 which was generating a color composite NTSC signal. I wanted to see what I could do with a more powerfull MCU. The blue pill board is based on STM32F103C8T6 Cortex M3 cpu with 64Ko flash and 20Ko of ram and can run at 72Mhz. And it is availaible cheaply. I used it as the base of this project. At the beginning my idea was to test a simple circuit that could composite NTSC in 16 colors but I got carried away and it result in a complete SUPER CHIP and BPCHIP which my personnal extension of SCHIP Virtual Machine to support color among others extensions.
I wanted to design a simple hardware that could be assembled on a prototyping board. Except from the blue pill board it use only 2 IC. One 74HC84 quad xor gate used to invert chroma signal phase. There is a 8 buttons gamepad that use one 74HC164 shift register. All other components are passives.
here a demo of the console in action. It support SCHIP mode + my personnal BPCHIP mode.
the console prototype
the gamepad
This open source GPL v3 for software and CC-BY-SA for hardware design.