
A new uRADMonitor unit in the USA

A project log for Global radiation monitoring network

The uRADMonitor is a plug-and-play, low power, self contained radiation monitoring device, connected to a centralised server component.

radu-motisanRadu Motisan 08/25/2014 at 16:090 Comments
14_08_25_unit_41000001_headerThis new unit is the second in the New York area or the 9th in the entire US. The 41000001 is one of the newer A2 Models with barometric pressure sensor. Taking advantage of the recent server side changes, all the unit’s measurements are available in the new compact web interface.

The unit currently shows an average of 0.10uSv/h .
Previous measurements recorded during the initial tests, indicated similar values, placing the background radiation levels in Timisoara, to the same value like those measured in the current location:
