Turning an electric wheel chair (Permobil C300) into a mobile living room :-)
As shown on the "Kurze Nacht der Kunst" on 22nd of September 2018 in Poing, Germany.
Technically speaking, it is an Arduino connected to a "VR2" wheel chair controller. The Arduino emulates the original joystick and therefore allows the use of a Wii controller for input.
And just for kicks, there are also some WS2812 LEDs to give it head and tail lights, indicators, as well as a cheesy standing lamp for that authentic grandma swag ;-)
The whole "chair" part has been designed in OpenSCAD and lasercut out of cheap MDF boards.
All the Arduino software you need to interface a VR2 wheel chair controller
Wow amazing! 1 Week ago I purchased Massage Chair from https://allmassagechair.com/ and I loved it.