Keywords: Vehicle Controlling, Monitoring and Tracking, Gmail as Cloud storage, LTE, GSM, GPS

A Location Monitoring System is nothing but a system that will monitor the location of any object and will send the updates about the location to the user. The object can be anything or anyone- vehicle, old people, children, precious jewellery, and hikers and so on. Here the user may want to set a boundary region of the object. If that object goes beyond that specified boundary intentionally or unintentionally, our system will give updates to the user about the whereabouts of the object. If suppose the user is not connected to the internet, there is also a facility of receiving an update through text message or SMS. Traditional tracking systems use Global Positioning System and Global System for Mobile Communication i.e. GPS-GSM based systems for tracking the location of any object, say a vehicle. Global Positioning System contains a module that receives the GPS signal using which it will calculate the co-ordinates. These co-ordinates will then decide the location of the vehicle. The GSM modem relays this calculated location to the user through an SMS.
System Objectives & Implementation
· Continuously monitoring and monitoring the school vehicle at real-time atmosphere using web site in Smartphone and when the automobile chooses wrong path then system provide the aware of the owner’s Smartphone as well as on device pi’s sound system.
· Storing and upgrading the actual time database of the vehicle like its Speed, Time, Location, and Date which is helpful just in case of car thievery recognition. The suggested system would get controlled with the aid of ELB-REV4 iSCADA which placed within the vehicle. The GPS/GPRS/GSM SIM900A module get communicate with ELB-REV4 iSCADA. The longitudes and latitudes of the present path caused by GPS navigation get in comparison with the stored longitudes and latitudes within the file format inside the database of iSCADA. If longitudes and latitudes not complement the stored one then wrong path recognition alert massage can get delivered to vehicle’s owner mobile. Even the longitudes and latitudes of the present path received from Gps navigation can get delivered to the server with the aid of GPRS which helps you to track the vehicle’s current location on the internet page using Smartphone. For monitoring the automobile, the proposed system provides login facility on web site for vehicle’s owner, students as well as their parents. Also proposed system provides student’s safety with the aid of DS18B20temperature sensor and gas leakage sensor MQ6. These sensors get interface with raspberry pi. When the temperature inside the vehicle crosses the value or LPG gas get leakage inside, he vehicle then your alert message will be delivered to the vehicle’s owner. Likewise, safety mechanism supplied by system. Vehicle’s right and wrong path tracking algorithm using Smartphone. The proposed system provides more safety and secure solution using android application for wrong path alert. The vehicle owner’s Smartphone having an android application that provides the information regarding selection of path from A to B through which the vehicle supposed to travel. At first vehicle’s owner trace the decided path A to B on android application that gives longitude and latitude of that path. Then android application saves that longitudes and latitudes of traced path in a file format such that owner can send that file to the raspberry pi database using Bluetooth or USB port. And hence the proposed system can process further on that data. Now whenever driver drives the vehicle on the owner’s decided path i.e. A to B, GPS/GPRS/GSM SIM900A module inside that vehicle sends the longitudes and latitudes of current location to the raspberry pi through USB interface. Now using file system programming, the current longitudes and latitudes received from GPS of GPS/GPRS/GSM SIM900A module get compares with the longitudes and latitudes received from android application. Hence if this comparison gives less tolerance then we can say that driver drives the vehicle on the right path i.e. A to B else if there is large difference between longitudes and latitudes then system sends alert message on the vehicle owner’s mobile that the vehicle is on the wrong path using GSM of GPS/GPRS/GSM SIM900A module.
· Vehicle tracking information database monitoring system using LAMP (Linux, Apache, Myself, and PHP).
· Students Safety mechanism using temperature Sensor and LPG gas detect sensor The proposed system takes care of the children’s safety by using LPG Gas leakage sensor and temperature sensor. If that threshold temperature value gets cross by output value of the temperature sensor due to some reason then alert message will be sent to the vehicle owner’s Smartphone. Also the LPG Gas leakage sensor get interface with Op-amp LM358N which gives a digital output. That output voltage can be controlled by using current limiting resistors which helps the Raspberry pi’s GPIO from damage. Likewise, both sensors output driven through Raspberry pi would get compare with threshold values and if Limit crosses then the alert message will be given to vehicle owners mobile using GSM of SIM900A module.
The proposed system plays a huge role instantly tracking and monitoring of car by upgrading vehicle real time information around the server side after certain interval of your time in order to supervised vehicle continuously. The suggested system hence made use of Smart phone technology by supplying safety and secure traveling towards the traveler using wrong path alert mechanism. Whenever driver drives vehicle around the wrong path or just in case of vehicle’s accident situation happens, the suggested system provides the vehicle’s current location, speed towards the vehicle owner’s mobile. Hence this advantages to track the automobile as soon as possible. Student’s safety mechanism also will get provided using temperature and LPG gas leakage sensors. Within this certain situation, according to student’s safety concern, the suggested system also gives alert massage on student parents mobile so that parents also learn about their children’s safety.