Index Terms— Beacon, Proximity target marketing, ibeacon, BLE, , CLOUD, IoT,
wireless sensor network, SCADA solutions, freeRTOS, IoT solutions, embedded C++, embedded C, LTE modem.

For the recent explosive spread of smartphone users in the world, the possibility of novel services using smartphone has been explored. One of exploring fields is the close-range wireless communication technology, such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. As a recent trending topic of this, there is iBeacon proposed by Apple, Inc. iBeacon is a concept of wireless communication service using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). It enables to communicate between a beacon module and a smartphone at proximity with saving electric power. The beacon module emits radio waves based on BLE to broadcast an automatic triggering to smartphone users at proximity to push information with help from an installed application. A typical use case of iBeacon is automatic information transferring for in-store advertising and couponing. It also enables to use as an indoor positioning system based on the location information where the beacon module is placed and Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) measured by smartphone. Because iBeacon is based on the BLE technology, it is available in the latest versions of iOS and Android OS. A service by iBeacon is usually done by a single beacon module that corresponds to a single automatic triggering for push-type information advertising regardless of any context of smartphone users approaching to the module. However, if iBeacon changes what to advertise by sensing a context of smartphone users, for example, where the users come from, such an extended iBeacon could be used for navigation and route guidance. This type of navigation and guidance will be applicable to attracting potential customers to a shop, and to disaster evacuation guidance. In this paper, we propose a system for Proximity target marketing using iBeacon. Here, our image of proximity marketing for retailers, brands. Retailer’s can greatly benefit using Proximity Targeting.
What is Proximity Marketing?
Proximity Targeting is a form of marketing that uses mobile technology to transmit marketing messages to mobile-devices. In most cases, individuals with mobile devices in a proximity to a business can receive marketing messages. For Proximity Targeting uses Bluetooth or our proprietary low energy technology to send messages electronically to nearby consumers.

Why Proximity Marketing?
It's simple! At least 90% of your customers may be reached via
WiFi on their mobiles.
At their permission,
With full measurability,
At zero cost per customer!
Increase mobile engagement
Retailer-branded experiences
Seamless and valuable for consumers
Combat showrooming
Influence buying decisions at right place/time
Enhance in-store shopping experience
Insights into in-store shopping behavior
Key component of omni-channel strategy
B. Application cases
Many application cases for iBeacon have been proposed. Most of the cases are in practical use now, but some others are under demonstration experiment. Typical use cases are mobile advertisements and couponing, orders and payments without contacting with a store clerk, ticket validation, indoor location positioning and navigation, possession tracking, and safety confirmation in a time of disaster. The mobile advertisements and couponing are introduced to attract potential customers who happen to pass in front of a shop. When a customer’s device gets close to a beacon module, an advertisement or a coupon of goods for sale is pushed...
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