On the hardware side, this project shows how to integrate a generic G-M counter module with cheap ESP-01 WiFi and power modules.
Provided software does unit conversion from tube-dependent cpm signal (clicks per minute) into µSv/h (microsieverts per hour) unit and passes that information to predefined MQTT broker.
From there the information can be integrated into home automation frameworks such as Home Assistant.
Arduino IDE sketch. Requires ArduinoJSON, ArduinoOTA and PubSubClient libraries.
The code that I provided simply counts clicks from the GPIO2 and once per minute sends JSON message to predefined MQTT broker.
/// Geiger counter#define RECEIVER_PIN 2 // 4=GPIO4=D2 any interrupt able pin (Wemos) // 2=GPIO2 on ESP-01/// Geiger tube parameters#define TUBE_NAME "j305"#define TUBE_FACTOR 0.00812///
TUBE_NAME will appear in the message topic.
TUBE_FACTOR is necessary to convert CPM into uSv/h. This depends on actual tube used. My module had Chinese J305 tube and for that model value 0.00812 is the conversion factor.