
Initial graphical assets and knob layout

A project log for KELPIE: Subtractive Synth for Keyboard Controllers

A portable, cheap, and easy to use, monophonic + polyphonic digital synthesizer for use with a MIDI controller

kenneth-marutKenneth Marut 08/07/2019 at 17:440 Comments

I got started on some very initial graphical assets for the control panel of the synthesizer. I'm realizing now that this would probably would pretty awesome if it was applied via screen printing. I don't have the capability to do that at home with my current tools, but I'll hopefully be able to fake it using some other methods for the time being

I've also made a lot of progress on the firmware and have gotten 12 individual voices sounding in polyphony, each with their own amplifier envelope, which is totally awesome. Whenever a key is pressed, the code checks a 12 note buffer for the next available spot where

envelope.isActive() == false

 it then finds the first available voice and activates that note. When the note finishes sounding, it is removed from the buffer. The next step is to add a filter envelope to each voice to get some more dynamic sounds!

Stay tuned!
