
ENIAC PI - The RPI desktop case

A custom case to transform a Raspberry Pi to a desktop computer

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This is my latest project, the ENIAC PI. A custom case for Raspberry PI 2 or 3 that allow convert our Raspberry Pi into a desktop computer.

I made this desktop case because the power of the RPI not only can be used for gaming, it also can be use as a normal computer, but the lack of cases to transform the RPI into a desktop computer is a problem. So I came with this idea, note that this also can be used to bring a custom computer to the most needed people or regions that a laptop computer is impossible to get .

This design is very simple, a lasercut file is shared on this project, they can be cutted using wood, acrylic or methacrilate materials.

Then any 10" bluetooth keyboard will fit inside the desktop. So there is no need of more aditional hardware to use this desktop case, since the distribution of the RPI on the case allows to use all the ports available on the RPI2 or RPI3.

This project can be used by anyone. It is based on the Creative Commons Share-Alike license.

I hope the community find this useful.




This are the lasercut plans to make the desktop case.

RAR Archive - 208.95 kB - 10/23/2016 at 17:29


  • 1 × Raspberry Pi 2 or 3
  • 1 × 10" Bluetooh Keyboard Any 10" bluetooth keyboard will fit on the case.
  • 1 × The ENIAC PI case. Methacrylate / Acrylic
  • 1 × Acrofix glue Necessary to glue all the parts

  • 1
    Step 1

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