
Timeline Track Editor Drawing CPU usage

A project log for Binaural Audio Editor

This is an audio application that produces 3D binaural audio from 2D mono audio samples and positional information given by GUI.

pablo-antonio-camacho-jrPablo Antonio Camacho Jr. 08/26/2019 at 03:510 Comments

A lot of the CPU usage comes from the Timeline Track Editor project I made for use as a GUI for Binaural Audio Editor.

I fixed the issue with high CPU usage by moving a call to update the drawing on screen whenever needed such as when points are removed and added on graph of double track.

event.Skip() in paint events also helped to decrease the usage.

These fixes drastically improved the performance of the application as well.

If one would want to decrease the CPU usage, the best way would be to minimize the window labeled Timeline Frame.
