
Next Steps for Binaural Audio Editor 07/2020

A project log for Binaural Audio Editor

This is an audio application that produces 3D binaural audio from 2D mono audio samples and positional information given by GUI.

pablo-antonio-camacho-jrPablo Antonio Camacho Jr. 07/25/2020 at 19:010 Comments

I am going to take a break from developing Binaural Audio Editor.

It has been fun, but I'd like to work on other projects and get back to this one with a fresh mind and stronger motivation at a later time.

I have been working on adding a save/load feature to binaural audio editor, work on this feature will continue after I get back from break.

I have also been working on implementing an interface to control lcc.

My next new feature idea is to use RtAudio to connect a monochannel audio stream from any program to a sound producer object. This way one can spatialize an audio stream in real time.
