For some weeks I have done some tests with a LOGO! (logical module) from Siemens, for a few months I have seen that they use it in basic industrial applications, although I do not personally consider it 100% a PLC, it is easily integrated into monitoring and control applications for simple processes.

You could say that this equipment is the cheapest or affordable "PLC" that Siemens has in my country has a cost of approximately 200 USD, for the simple reason that being a Siemens brand is synonymous with confidence and perfect robustness for Domotica applications.

Since the following tutorial is a little more extensive it has been divided into 5 parts that we will see next.
1. IoT Platform Ubidots
Our account on the Ubidots platform.
Next we will perform the final test of this team performing the integration with the IoT Industrial Ubidots platform, before starting I recommend other tests and interesting integrations with Ubidots.

Recommended: PDAControl / Ubidots
2. Review LOGO! 12/24 RCE reference 6ED1052-1MD00-0BA8
This version LOGO! 12/24 RCE 6ED1052-1MD00-0BA8 has interesting features, mainly Ethernet communication which expands the possibilities of integrations, a robust and reliable hardware.

Recommended Tutorial: features and documentation features
3.Configuration and Programming LOGO! with LogoSoft
These equipments have programming software "LOGOSoft", it is programmed by means of logical blocks or Function Block Diagram or FBD, previously we have created an example, each output will realize the change of color in the LCD screen and analog input reading.
Download this LogoSoft example at the end of the article.

Proposed architecture for programming and configuration.

Recommended Tutorial: Download of LogoSoft Demo version.
Recommendation: watch the full video of this test to understand how it works: Integration Industrial LOGO! Siemens with Ubidots Platform IoT.
Node-RED in Raspberry Pi 3

To perform the integration between the LOGO! and the Ubidots platform we will use a Raspberry Pi 3 model B in which we have previously installed Node-RED.

4. Communication LOGO! and Node-RED through S7Comm
The LOGO! Modules they use the S7Comm protocol for communication with remote applications, thanks to the Node-RED developer community, they have created S7 nodes for ethernet communication using TSAP.

More information Nodes: node-red-contrib-s7

Proposed architecture: LOGO! Integration and Node-RED.

Recommended Tutorial: LOGO integration! and Node-RED through S7Comm.
5. Connection Node-RED and Ubidots
The communication between Node RED and Ubidots is done using the MQTT protocol, making the connection to the Ubidots Broker, there are 2 methods to make the subscriptions and MQTT publications.
Recommendation: watch the full video of this test to understand how it works: Integration Industrial LOGO! Siemens with Ubidots Platform IoT.
- MQTT nodes of Ubidots: facilitate or simplify the configuration.
- Basic Node-RED's own MQTT nodes: They require more dexterity for the configuration.
Architecture proposed connection Node-RED and Platform Ubidots

Complete Documentation : Connections Ubidots and Node RED