For those, who don´t know what Odroid Go is, here is picture:

You can find specification here. Basically it is small handheld device with emulator and you can play Gameboy, Nes and other game types on it. It also have support for Arduino and MicroPython, so you can make your own games in either one of those platforms. You can also buy external keyboard for it and you can use it for emulation of Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, and MSX games.
When I found about this game kit I wanted to test it straight away. At first I had no luck to find some schematic, but I visited Odroid Go wiki page and I find this schematic. Now I could move forward.
For testing I used 2.8" Ili9341 screen from Aliexpress and connected it to the ESP32 module which I had already. I checked instructions on how to upload basic firmware and nothing happened. After some while of searching and reading through the Internet I found out that OG uses 16 MB module, which is not common on available modules. The second bad news was, that these modules are quite hard to find in small quantities and you don´t want to buy big stock of it, especially if you don´t know if your project will work.
Luckily I did find some eshop in Slovakia, where they sell them in small quantities and for reasonable price. I ordered few of them and because I´m mostly driven by PCB design, I started to work on first version.
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