After exploring a few random online shops one day, run across a very interesting development board is a Free RTOS dual-core 32-bit CPU, 520 KB SRAM,4 MB Flash Memory, CPU operating at 240 MHz. EFB-REV1 has inbuild Serial Interface (RS232 interface (2), I2C (1), 12 bit ADC (12), GPIOs (20)) and connectivity (Wifi802.11 abgn, Bluetooth, LoRa supported Bands 868, 915 , 433 MHz).
- The EFB-REV1 boots up in less than 200ms.
- Provides a powerful and flexible selection across the full spectrum of application.
- Build in LoRa module suits it perfect for application like smart metering, Automation and Industrial solution.
- Documentation hardware and software customization completely supported by our team
- Power supply and USB cable provide along with box for debugging.
IoT Technical Specifications
Xtensa dual-core 32-bit LX6 Microprocessor, operating at 240 MHz and performing up to 600 DMIPS,520 KiB SRAM, 4 MB Flash memory.
- Wireless connectivity: Wi-Fi:802.11 b/g/n
- Bluetooth V4.2 BR/EDR and BLE
- LoRA supported Bands 868,915,433 MHz
Peripheral Interfaces:
- 12-bit Sar ADC up to 12 channels
- 2 x 8-bits DACs
- 1 x I2C Interfaces
- 2 x UART
- 20 x GPIO pins
Cryptographic hardware acceleration:
AES, SHA-2,RSA, elliptic curve cryptography (ECC).random number generator(RNG).
Power management:
Internal low-dropout regulator individual power domain for RTC 5uA deep sleep current Wake up from GPIO interrupt, timer, ADC Measurements.
Sensor Connectivity:
Maximum 6 Analog sensors can connect to total load 880mA.
Software Update:
Over the Air (OTA) software can be update via wifi or Bluetooth.
Data transfer rates Upto 300kb/s using LoRa communication
- Wireless PC peripherals
- Health monitoring
- Tire pressure monitoring
- Sensor network
- Industrial Control
- Home Automation