Things used in this project
- IoT Long Range Wireless Temperature Humidity Sensor with power source Battery Or External DC.
- Zigmo/Router for PC
- PC/Laptop with an OS installed or Any IoT Embedded Device.
Introducing NCD’s Long Range IoT Industrial wireless vibration and temperature sensor, boasting up to a 2-mile range the use of a wi-fi mesh networking structure. Incorporating a precision 16-bit vibration and temperature sensor, this device transmits incredibly accurate vibration and temperature records at consumer-described durations.
For the duration of Power-Up, this vibration sensor learns “normal” base-line vibration from the monitored device. This base-line vibration is subtracted from regular sampled vibration readings to improve applicable vibration data. Preferably, the monitored device must be off even as the sensor is mastering. Once the sensor stabilizes and starts sending information, the device/equipment being monitored can be powered on. This business IoT wireless vibration sensor samples 3-axis of vibration data for 100ms after which calculate RMS, maximum, and minimal vibration readings. This sensor combines these records with temperature data in a data packet and transmits the result to modems and gateways in the wireless variety. Once the transmission is complete, the vibration sensor is going lower back to sleep, therefore minimizing power consumption.
Powered by using just 2 AA batteries and operational life of 500,000 wireless transmissions, a ten years battery life can be expected relying on environmental conditions and the data transmission interval. Optionally, this sensor may be externally powered, making it a perfect choice for wireless vibration monitoring device for industrial equipment. With an open communication protocol, this sensor transmits hardware-encrypted data that may be included with just about any control system or gateway. Data can be transmitted to a laptop, a raspberry pi, to Losant IoT cloud, Microsoft® azure® IoT, and an embedded gadget all at the equal time. Sensor parameters and wireless transmission settings can be modified using LabView® tracking software on a computer pc.
Long-Range Wireless Mesh Modem with USB Interface
Setting up Node-Red.
The sensor and Zigmo/Router come pre-programmed and work out of the box. In this section, we will set up a sensor and Zigmo link and start receiving data on our PC.
Resources Required
- IoT Long Range Wireless Vibration and Temperature Sensor with power source Battery Or External DC.
- Zigmo/Router for PC
- PC/Laptop with an OS installed or Any IoT Embedded Device
Steps to install NODE-RED
Now that you have sensors running, we need a way to do something useful with that data.
- First of all, you’ll have to install Node-RED.
- Once that’s done, you’ll need to enter your command line, or Power Shell for Windows users, navigate to the directory Node-RED is installed in.
- Now type “npm i ncd-red-wireless node-red-dashboard“. This will install the nodes required to receive data from your wireless sensors and you can start Node-RED once this is done.
- To start node server write node-red in the command prompt or terminal and press enter.
Setting up the nodes
Assuming at this point you’ve started up Node-RED, you should be able to open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:1880, this will open up the flow builder that is the heart of the Node-RED experience.
Steps to build the flow
- At this point you’ll be viewing a large blank flow with a long list of nodes on the left-hand side, this sidebar is called the palette.
- Go ahead and drag a Wireless Gateway node over to your flow canvas to get started.
- ncd-red-wireless Provides the nodes that manage the serial connection, parse incoming sensor data, filter it by specific parameters, and allow you to configure the wireless sensors.
Finding your wireless sensors
Once you’ve added the node you’ll be able to view the info...
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