
Got it to build with asz80 and aslink only

A project log for eForth/z80 modifications

A more hackable eForth/z80

ken-yapKen Yap 08/09/2019 at 14:312 Comments

Woo hoo, I have now sources that build with only asz80 and aslink and generate an identical binary to the distributed sources. Now cleaned up, checked in, and released.

Thomas you were right. Comma, semicolon, space and apostrophe are problem characters for macros. The trick is to use octal escapes for those characters.

Now I'll have to find out how I can implement console input and output in a simulator and write I/O words for them to play with this version.


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Thomas wrote 08/09/2019 at 18:02 point

Trying octal escapes was a really good idea! I'll now be able to clean up some of the macros in STM8 eForth!

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