I rolled my own STM32 breakout board because reasons. I'm using the STM32F070 processor (ARM Cortex-M0), as it has built-in USB device support. The idea was to create a reference design different from the Nucleo, Discovery, and Blue Pill boards. It has been a great learning tool while working through Carmine Noviello's Mastering STM32 book (https://leanpub.com/mastering-stm32).
I added pins on the back for an ST-LINK/V2 tool, and the cheap programmer/debugger (like this one from Adafruit: https://www.adafruit.com/product/2548) has proven extremely useful for in-circuit debugging.
I love the Nucleo, Discovery, and Blue Pill boards, but I find most of them lacking as a reference design. The Nucleo boards have a built-in debugger, which is fantastic, but I found it difficult to go from ST's documented schematic to my own design. They seem to be mostly a kitchen sink type of development board (add all the features!) where discerning only the necessary parts took a lot of time and cross-referencing other manuals.
The Blue Pill does not have built-in USB support (it looks to be bit-banged from the STM32F103), and one of my goals is to provide a bootloader via VCP or uf2. While some of the Nucleo boards have built-in USB, most are just broken out to pins, as the USB connector is reserved for the ST-LINK chip.
As a result, I've put together my own breakout board for one of the newer STM32 parts based on the ARM Cortex-M0 processor: the STM32F070. I had v01 manufactured by OSH Park, and everything seems to be working (so far). I have a few minor fixes to the layout, and I'm hoping to get the PCB manufactured with white solder mask next time.
While I was able to put one together via hand soldering, it's not something I want to do again in the future. As a result, this project is also giving me an excuse to invest in a reflow toaster oven for "research purposes."
That looks very similar to the Blue Pill, which is also based on the STM32F103. They're definitely good and cheap. However, they don't have built-in USB, which I wanted for my bootloader.
Have you ever tried this? https://www.ebay.com/itm/STM32F103C8T6-Cortex-M3-Minimum-System-Development-Board-For-Arduino-NEW-TE435-/253719923431?hash=item3b12e2cae7