
Parrots, 2020

A project log for Animal Circuits

(artistic, animalistic) analog electronic sound generators

kelly-heatonKelly Heaton 01/31/2020 at 14:060 Comments

Parrots, 2020. Printed and painted circuit board, 24" x 18."

While I continue to design PCBs for manufacture, I am also developing my own methods to create electronic art. Here, I experiment with painting onto a bare etched PCB that has regions of clear solder mask printed onto the copper, which allowed me to use a patina and achieved different colors in the tree, for example. The birds are painted in acrylic. Have a look (and listen):

The squawking  circuit is controlled by a motion detector and timer so that the birds react to presence (and do not sing on their own for an indefinite period of time).
