
Version 3 is done!

A project log for Microcontroller based curve tracer

Electronic Curve tracer for measure and compare components on circuit boards

mt-tthMáté Tóth 03/18/2018 at 17:071 Comment

I finnished the Version 3 prototype, every function is working now. I found tested some future development on it, and I managed to connect it to the PC, so will be also capable of saving curves onto an excel sheat. I need some time and I will finnish the configuration on this also.

Here is a video about every function:

Some picture:

Curve Tracer Version 3
Curve Tracer Version 3
Curve Tracer Version 3
Curve Tracer Version 3
Curve Tracer Version 3
Curve Tracer Version 3
Curve Tracer Version 3
Curve Tarcer Version 3
Curve Tracer Version 3

I am quite happy about the prototype, I think it is better then what I expected when I started. Now I have the final circuit so I am looking forfard to designing my own pcb for it. 

It still missing the power plug at the end, but I will place it.


Rich text editor

jeremy.leroy wrote 03/19/2018 at 15:17 point


Very impressed by your products, the V2 was very cool, but now the V3 is very very cool.

Will you sell finish product or will you share it?

If you'll share it, i'll interest by your V2 files, it looks like Huntron Tracker 2000 :)

Good work, Keep going like that

(Sorry for my english, i'm french) :)

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