
It is working properly

A project log for Microcontroller based curve tracer

Electronic Curve tracer for measure and compare components on circuit boards

mt-tthMáté Tóth 04/19/2017 at 18:030 Comments

I was working on the auto range function on the tracker, and it is working properly now. I can set anything, and the lines now stay stable. It was a the biggest job in this project I think, because I had to do a lot of research about op-amps. After all the programming was a bit difficult, but after I figured the method, is is quite simple.

I did not make a video about the new function, becaus I last video is almost the same, one that changed, the waveform stay steady, whenever the Voltage or Resistance range changed.

The curve tracer now have:

- 25 Voltage range from 1V to 20V peak-peak

- 5 Resistance range (50 , 2k, 10k, 17k, 25k ohm ) I will expend this to 10-15 ranges, it is not to difficult.

- 6 Frequancy range from 120Hz to 1.2kHz I will expand this as well, up to 2kHz, or above.

- USB connection to PC, for save waveforms.

What do not work yet, known bugs:

- Have to press twice the main menu button to go to main menu. (bug)

- Need a front foil, with things printed on it.

- First start up, the auto range function works only, when you go to first in to the Voltage menu

- Have to make full schematic and circuit designe, to send out to the PCB fabricator

- I can make a scanner for the curve tracer, but have to think, wher can I place a connector on the front panel.

So yes I am slowly gettint closer to the end, but every working hours on it, I see more, in this project.
